Well I started my chassis last weekend, I'm assembling motors and other stuff. I'm looking at National's LMD18200 motor driver IC - looks simple to use and foolproof (an important feature! ;) ) The PIC's tasks will be pretty straightforward. I've got a program mapped out in my head already. I'm thinking of putting the mower blades both under PIC control and a manual switch. That way I can turn off the mower if I'm letting the thing bounce around in a demonstration for onlookers. I suppose the PIC could handle input from a tipover sensor. How abaout battery management though? I guess I'm looking for a chip or chips that can handle: 1. Charging a NiCad from a solar cell (There's another Post on this today - I'll look for it) 2. Telling the PIC that the battery is low and needs charging. The PIC then stops mowing and moving, and waits for more juice to arrive via the sun. 3. Preventing overvoltage from teh solar cell from damaging the NiCad