Another thing that somebody was asking was: where do you get a second-hand oscilloscope? The answer, if you live in UK (South) could be: Len Cooke Enterprises, Tel/Fax. 018 556 8221 Mr Cooke is located in East London and is a very nice man. He has a small warehouse stuffed full of testgear of all kinds. Everything is tested and in working order. A used double-beam 20MHz scope can be bought for around UKP 100 or less. This is a suitable spec for PIC-users. A 100MHz scope, if you need it, would cost about UKP 250 or more. Scope-probes are not included; you will need a couple of switchable X1/X10 probes, which you should buy NEW. If you feel you need a Handbook, ask Mr Cooke and if it exists he will send it. But don't expect postal charges to be cheap, if you want it to ARRIVE in working order. I collected one from his warehouse. Afterwards, I recommend driving to Coppermill Lane, park just before the very low bridge, walk under the bridge to the canal, and go to the Waterside Cafe for a really cheap lunch; for example, egg sausage and chips and a mug of tea, less than UKP 2. Then go back to your car to find that your oscilloscope HAS NOT been stolen. Just like the old days... John Blackburn, London UK.