<> Hello all : I believe that some months ago were sent messages of the LIST about the existence of a PICLIST in spanish. Do not know if operate since I don't have the time to prove it. I also speak spanish. I am profesor of Animal Physiology at Granada University (Spain). For it is of some usefulness for any, I am write with my friend J.M. Angulo a book in spanish "Microcontroladores PIC. La soluci—n en un CHIP". Also i have published some papers in a electronic spanish magazine about PICs and a PIC programmer with two version of the software one for DOS and one other for Win 95/98. Cheers, Eugenio Prof. Dr. Eugenio Mart’n Cuenca Grupo de Cronobiolog’a y Ecofisiolog’a de Peces o \_/ Prof. Dr. Eugenio Mart’n Cuenca o ___/____ Dpto. de Biolog’a Animal - Fac. Ciencias o / \ / Universidad de Granada - Spain /__ˇ \/ Tlfno : + 34 58 246 167 \ /\ Fax : + 34 58 243 238 \___ ____/ \ M—vil : 607 503 326 E-mail : emartin@goliat.ugr.es Web Grupo :http://www.ugr.es/~croneco/ Web personal:http://www.ugr.es/~emartin