Why not just use morse code? Anybody could learn 2 or 3 letters, and morse code decode with a PIC is not hard, you only have to deal with ratios, and assume th e first press is a dot or a dash, because the lock 'knows' what letter to expect first. di di di di pause di dit Regards, Ron Fial At 07:27 PM 4/7/99 +0200, you wrote: >> I would like to make a PIC single-button "combination lock" for my >>workshop door. This is not a high-security situation (the door is normally >>unlocked), I just want to do it for fun and to learn something. >> The way the lock would work is that you would push the button in some >>rhythm such as that of "shave and a haircut, two bits". This is only an >>example, any rhythm could be used. This and only this would activate the >>solenoid lock.