Obviously, there is a path to Vdd through the PIC. You're probably damaging the PIC, as you are passing current through it in an unconventional manner. I recommend keeping Vdd on, any time there is power to the board :) ---------- > From: Sebastian Dols > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: strange behaviour > Date: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 9:17 AM > > Ok, I have detected a strange behaviour in my 16f84 last nigth, and I want > to share with you. > > Imagine a 16f84, ceramic resonator 1Mhz, _MCLR to Vdd, five leds in rba0:4, > with no current limiter resistor in the led paths. portb is all input, > interrupt in rb4:7 change (nothing strange, I think). Program coded to shift > led blinking, period 1 sec, change of direction on portb signal. No problem > to compile, no problem to run, all OK... But if NO 5V to the PIC vdd pin, > if 5V (signal) is applied to any of portb pins, all the leds in porta are > emitting light at the same time... > > Someone knows what happens? I suspect about my protoboard, but there is no > way between 5V to the leds to GND if i remove the PIC (the leds do not emit > in that case, of course) > > > Thanks in advance, keep on PICing.