Ok, I have detected a strange behaviour in my 16f84 last nigth, and I want to share with you. Imagine a 16f84, ceramic resonator 1Mhz, _MCLR to Vdd, five leds in rba0:4, with no current limiter resistor in the led paths. portb is all input, interrupt in rb4:7 change (nothing strange, I think). Program coded to shift led blinking, period 1 sec, change of direction on portb signal. No problem to compile, no problem to run, all OK... But if NO 5V to the PIC vdd pin, if 5V (signal) is applied to any of portb pins, all the leds in porta are emitting light at the same time... Someone knows what happens? I suspect about my protoboard, but there is no way between 5V to the leds to GND if i remove the PIC (the leds do not emit in that case, of course) Thanks in advance, keep on PICing.