I agree with Harold that a Morse-Code detector would be a desirable way to do this, it makes it easyto remember a non-trivial rhythm. There is actually lots of good code around to do this, on the various Ham Radio web sites, since many folks have done Morse code reciever/sender programs, you should be able to find something to adapt. My Dad and I did a home control system which is controlled via voice output for prompts and data out (via PC based speech synthesizer and several speakers in the house) and morse-code in (via buttons near each thermostat). All the buttons were just parallelled for simplicity. The algorithm is pretty simple, it assumes a dot length to start with, and figures that any press shorter that twice the dot width is a dot, anything longer than twice the dot width is a dash. The first version set the dot width every time a dot was recognized. Later, we switched to a running average of the last few dots. Similarly, you have to recognize when a space between presses is long enough that the sender means it to be the end of the symbol. Ideally is one dash-time (three dot times), but it has to adapt too. In practice, we found that with the push button you could only send slowly anyhow, and most of the commands were single morse letters ("T" for temperature report, e.g.) so the timing was not too critical, it worked OK. Now where in the electronic landfill did I put that surplus solenoid door strike? -Barry. ------------ Barry King, KA1NLH Engineering Manager NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" Hinesburg, Vermont, USA barry@nrgsystems.com "The witty saying has been deleted due to limited EPROM space"