>Well, pretty simple question. I've read about the pullups in a PIC in this >list, even something that explains the pullup resistors as a elastic gum. >But the problem is that I don't understand the utility of the pullups and >for what and when are useful. Could someone of yours explain me the basic >uses and advantadges of the pullups in a PIC? > >thanks in advance. I think the elastic explanation was quite good (Wagner Lipnharski; subject: "Re: Err, this is SO confusing =("). I had a problem using a NO pushbutton which shorted an input pin to the ground without using a pull-up resistor. Input pin ---------NOPB---------GND When the pushbutton was (normally) open, the input pin wasn4t connected to anything. It had little resistance to interference and was jumping randomly between HIGH and LOW causing interrupts every time. When i added a pull-up the input pin was pulled to Vdd while the PB was open, but when the PB closed the input pin was pulled to ground (causing an interrupt) and when it opened again the pin was again pulled to Vdd (also causing an interrupt). Pin-------NOPB-------GND | | Pull-up-----Vdd Hope this helps, Johann Geir Jonsson PS. Instead of the pull-up resistor, I could have used the PIC internal weak pull-ups (I think; I haven't used them yet).