>> Could someone of yours explain me the basic uses and advantadges of the pullups in a PIC? > >sure.for any input you have to have two states LOW and HIGH 0/1 in order to determine low or high states >you need to have pull up or pull down resister. that is how you can explain in software what to do IF your input >is low or high. Example .imagine you have one state what will happen > > btfss PORTB,0 ; if low turn green led on if high redone on > bsf PROTB,1 ; turn red led on > bsf PORTB,2 ; turn green led on > >if you connect your switch without pull up or pull down you will have unreliable design and it is not going to >work.this is the most basic way I can explain. let me know if you need more explanation. > >Andre Abelian > >> thanks in advance. Lot of thanks Andre, I will reply to the piclist to receive all the possible info. About the pullups, OK, I understand that, and I use them this way, but my question was more.. ehm..'pic-oriented'. Maybe the rigth question is: Can I assume that if I set the portb internal pullups via code, and I drive any portb pin with a 'below-5v-but-above-2v' signal, the pullup will 'raise' the signal to 'full-5V', and this will improve my signal adquisition? If this is correct, I understand PIC pullups. If this is wrong.. I am confused yet. Thanks in advance.. again :) Keep on PICing Sebastian