Hello all. >From the group's many discussions regarding LCD displays, several of you recommended Hantronix LCDs. Well, I went out and purchased the 16x2 HDM16216h5 display. I downloaded most Hantronix's literature for their character displays, but they are not quite clear, and there are some contradictions. For example, to initialize the LCD, the application note goes through 3 function sets (with varying delays between commands), while their Character Module Initialization sheet goes through 4 function sets, while the Samsung data sheet (Hantronix provided the data sheet for Samsung controllers, stating they are used in all of their character displays) indicated only 1 function set. As this if my first attempt to interface with an LCD, I tried each of the suggestions, along with the other commands such as Display on/off, display clear, and entry mode set, and many other variations. I checked and checked the hardware, and all seems well. I have VL connected to a 10k pot, and R/W is tied directly to ground (I ran out of I/O pins and initially, I just want to write to the display). I am using the PIC16C84. Any tips/advice/suggestions? Thanks to all in advance. --John