Nick Taylor wrote: > > If we are smart enough to easily convert from teaspoons to tablespoons > to cups to ounces to pints to quarts to gallons (and back again) we > certainly should be equipped to handle kilos of 1,000 and Kilos of 1024. > > On a little more serious note, I propose that we trash the decimal > system entirely. If man were not genetically predisposed to doing most > things irrationally, being bipedal and having eight fingers would have > led him to naturally use a base 16 counting system ... and the base 10 > system from the Orient and the base 12 system from the Brits would never > have contaminated our minds. > > - - - Nick - - - it means old Brits had 6 fingers in each hand? uhum, we are able to do several things, we can go to the Moon, to Mars, to convert from teaspoons to tablespoons, sometimes it took some time, even when you need to check tables and handy conversion calculators, like 6"and 5/32 is... in millimeters...??? ahhh, here is the handy table supplied by that screw&bolts company... let me see... hmmm, this measurement isn't at the table... hmmm... if I take 6", is .. 6 times 2.5 = 12+3, plus 0.04 times 6 = 0.24, so its 15.24, plus 5*2.54/32, let me see... hmmm...where is the calculator??? hmm, somewhere in between 1/6 of an inch, then... 15.24 + 0.4?? = aprox 15.64mm? oh my, I need to print a 6 pages conversion table and stick on the wall aside of... let me see... miles//kilometers?... no, hmmm, ounces/grams?...or perhaps I move this 4 pages conversion table of ¡F/¡C to the right and then it will fits.. no, it will overlap the conversion table between Japanese/American transistors... ahh, I know, put it below the screw conversion table... do I need to know what is #4 screw in millimeters? just stick it over the PSI/Inches of Water table. Done. Now I am ready to convert anything, anything at all. :) Nautical Knots? If 1 bit = 1mm, how many foot of memory do your computer has? yards? miles? if 1 clockcycle = 1 gram, how many teaspoons are your PIC running? Ok, at 24¡C (75.2¡F) each 15 destiled water drops make one milliliter, so in one ounce (1 liter = 35.27oz) we have aprox 425 drops, now, if the faucet drops 1 per second, how many time to a gallon? Looks like that seconds (time measurement) is the only thing everybody agree, huh? Come on, we have better things to do instead crazy conversions. Wagner.