>well, i guess we don't know what his days are exactly... since he's not on >earth (probably, physically speaking), they're probably the rotation of Actually, we do know. The word used was YOM, which in the Hebrew texts _always_ meant a 24-hour period. They used other words to denote longer periods. >and then i wouldn't call it a "perfect, mature" state, looking at tv or >politics, for instance... (this thread as =two= OTs in the title, i guess >that's ok then to mention this un-word :) more like a nice try :) We are "after the fall of Adam." Before Adam sinned, it was perfect. Andy \-----------------/ \ /---\ / \ | | / Andy Kunz \ /---\ / Montana Design /---------+ +---------\ http://www.montanadesign.com | / |----|___|----| \ | \/___| * |___\/ Go fast, turn right, and keep the wet side down!