Glenville T. Sawyer - South Australia (48 Y.O - using Win-98, "EPE Pic-Tutor" programmer etc etc). Theatre, Concert Lighting, Special Effects, Props. & more ! Embedded Control systems for Theatrical & other Applications If you remember this a couple of weeks ago .. > Hi there, before starting a very bad OT thread, if you want to reply to me >directly - this may be preferable as far as the list is concerned. > Subject : Fav' method of Process control....... I did not "survey" the results to a database, but for the benefit of those readers that ARE interested.. Roughly 85% stated that they preferred to have "local" intelligence - that is a PIC or other micro-controller taking care of "Sub-Functions" and only communicating flow or problem / modify information to-from a central CPU. The reasons included.. To ensure that "problem" resolution was treated as a local event unless it was likely to have an effect upon the rest of the production stream, if the "fault" can be cleared locally, then no need to use up Main CPU - and serial comms time to remotely analyse it, sufficient to let the Main know that event "X" happened at "Y".. UNLESS the "fault" was such that the "line" would need to be slowed or (Arghhh) Stopped ! The other "thought camp" was that the "central" should have total control over all of the required functions / actions on the production "line", the reasons for this were to allow for "predictive" processing - in other words a "look-ahead" functionality, that given the right software adaptation, could be used to prepared alternative strategies for future problem resolution. (not specifically an "AI" program), but flagging or alerts useful for the maintenance or programming staff to make changes to the overall running software. These results tie in with the responses I gained by talking to other engineers involved in similar production areas / issues. Thanks for your (collective) input, and for verifying what I personally regard as "best method" in these types of situation. P.S we finished off the clients machine end of last week (using their rules - well after all THEY are paying the bills - Dual CPU'd P-450's - Air-Conned enclosures 115K serial data comms over RS485 and written in Linux). Regards, Glenville.