-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Van Dellen <jvd@attcanada.net>
To: Aaron Kotulski <akotulski@jrcc.com>; Adrian, Tony <aa999@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca>; Al Stubenvol <abwire@supernet.ab.ca>; Andre Vandebeek <avandebe@jrcc.com>; Arndt, Lavern <larndt@sk.sympatico.ca>; Atsuo Imai <aimai@jrcc.com>; Garnet Bailey <gbailey@attcanada.net>; Barbara Nelson <bnelson@onlink.net>; Bazian, Merna <MBazian@mcd.gov.ab.ca>; Beth Koeppen <koepbe@uleth.ca>; Cal Koskowich (NRC) (E-mail) <Calvin.Koskowich@IRAP.NRC.CA>; Cal Lorencz <lorencz@telusplanet.net>; Candice Augustson <augustsonc@hotmail.com>; Cliff Webb <cwebb@jrcc.com>; Craig Lee <clee@attcanada.net>; Darren Lloyd <darren@haulall.com>; Dave Thompson (E-mail) <midwest@telusplanet.net>; DOug Stapleton <dkstaple@cancom.net>; Dr. Imre Bartfai <root@prof.pmmf.hu>; Erik Olmats <eolmats@jrcc.com>; Eva <asemo2@uaa.alaska.edu>; evan <dewalde@netcom.ca>; Fiero, Chuck <Chuck_Fiero@sil.org>; Fletcher, Kenneth L. <kfletche@helix.net>; Gange, Michael <mgange@sk.sympatico.ca>; Gord Larson <gordo@attcanada.net>; Gordon Chan <gchan@jrcc.com>; Heather <heather_L_@hotmail.com>; Jahna Anderson <jahnainwpg@yahoo.com>; Jamie Myrah <jlm21@hotmail.com>; Jason Van Dellen <jvd@attcanada.net>; Jetrangsru <Jetrangsru@aol.com>; Jim Robertson <newfound@pipeline.com.au>; Jim Wolvansky <jwolvans@jrcc.com>; Johnson, Dan <ljohnson@netidea.com>; Kenji Ishikawa <kishikaw@jrcc.com>; Kevin Wittke <kwittke@jrcc.com>; Kishor Parekh <kparekh@jrcc.com>; Kara Marie Litwinow <litwin0@unbc.ca>; Loewen, Jeff <JDLOEWEN@aol.com>; Marla Firby <cbcmarla@cadvision.com>; Martin Wahl <mwahl@jrcc.com>; Mcmichen <mcmichen@kwic.com>; McNeill, Stella <mcneills@pwgsc.gc.ca>; Mia Persdotter <mia_persdotter76@hotmail.com>; Mike Ewashen <mewashen@jrcc.com>; Mike Trevorrow <mtrevorr@jrcc.com>; Myrah, Dr. Gordon <gordonm@mail.coos.or.us>; Myrah, John <71270.3502@CompuServe.COM>; Myrah, Leonard <ljmyrah@means.net>; Myrah, Leroy <MEI@mb.sympatico.ca>; Myrah, Steve <Myrah@mail.bascom.wisc.edu>; Myrah, Tami <EMMETTE@aol.com>; Nar Nar <augustson_j@INFINITY.GMCC.AB.CA>; nelson <jjjnelson@sk.sympatico.ca>; Lynette Nelson <lynette_n@hotmail.com>; Nelson, Terry <twnelson@sk.sympatico.ca>; nicole <nam788@mail.usask.ca>; Nicole Schmaus <nschmaus@yahoo.com>; Olson, Shane <af311@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca>; Paul Elser <pelser@telusplanet.net>; Alan & Paulette <alan-paulette_toews@bc.sympatico.ca>; Pederson, Arthur <ve5aap@inet2000.com>; Peplar, Russ <aa913@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca>; Rianna Peterson <rianna_p@hotmail.com>; pic microcontroller discussion list <PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>; Charity Preston <charitypreston@hotmail.com>; Rebecca Scholer <r_scholer@hotmail.com>; Ribin Impy <robinimp@telusplanet.net>; Richard <richsteve@netscape.net>; Robert Skakum <rskakum@jrcc.com>; Rolf Falschebner Eng. <jrtleth@agt.net>; Roy Souther <tekhead@attcanada.net>; Sew Yong Heng <sheng@jrcc.com>; Steve Sawchuk <jjkss@telusplanet.net>; Ted Kuzminski <melnok@telusplanet.net>; Thea Koeppe <koepth01@Raptor.lethbridgec.ab.ca>; tim bilou <t.bilou@shaw.wave.ca>; Tim Ellington <tellington@telusplanet.net>; Tina <stina@compusmart.ab.ca>; Tom Doyle <doyle@uleth.ca>; Trangsrud, Jim & Dena <trangsrud@aol.com>; Troy <tvand@telusplanet.net>; Mae Vanilla <maevhee@usa.net>; Vern Harrison <rmsm@telusplanet.net>; Waldner, Melsie <mwaldner@sk.sympatico.ca>; Tim Watrin <watrint@pop.UVic.ca>; Wilson, Everett <evwilson@mari.net>; Yimin Tang <ytang@jrcc.com>
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 3:49 PM
Subject: [OT] Happy99.exeHiI've got a leach/virus program from an email from the piclist that attaches it self to out going emails I got it from Vidal Pereira da Silva Júnior <vidal@vidal.com.br> It sends a file called Happy99.exe, my version of Mcafee didn't detect anything but Tim Ellingtons did. We don't know if it is harmful or not yet. SO DON"T OPEN and run the file called happy99.exe, delete it from your hard drive. I have a theory that all it does is leach to emails but I'm not for certain. I ran the program and it's a fancy fireworks display but it I think that's when it infected my computer. I have Mcafee running and it scans every single activity on my computer but it didn't find this one. So from now on all the emails I send might have this leach email after it. I've gone through my computer and deleted it and did a virus scan disk and nothing has show up yet. (yet is the word)Sorry for the inconvenience and if you have any info on this virus please contact me.Jason~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jason Van Dellen
jvd@attcanada.net ICQ# 14180767