At 20:58 03/14/99 -0500, Andy Kunz wrote: >Better yet - It took God 6 days to speak it into existence in a perfect, >mature state, and here it's taken us 150 years to just begin to scratch the >surface of seeing the design of what He _implemented_ in that short atime. well, i guess we don't know what his days are exactly... since he's not on earth (probably, physically speaking), they're probably the rotation of some other planet (if they are literal "days" at all), likely some other solar system... might be milleniums or billeniums... (here we go again: american or imperial? guess it doesn't matter here... :) and then i wouldn't call it a "perfect, mature" state, looking at tv or politics, for instance... (this thread as =two= OTs in the title, i guess that's ok then to mention this un-word :) more like a nice try :) ge