You can be sure about this: With certain exceptions and lucky fingers or whatever you want to call it, most of the components, mainly high density microchips works very marginal even at the manufacturer specifications, if not fail before that. Some of them can work nicelly at the marginal stress points, and maximum limits pointed by the manufactuer, but accelerating its infant mortality. You can hook up an environmental chamber to run a chip specified as a maximum of +55¡C during 72 hours, but chances are you are reducing its end of life. So, if you want to go to temperatures out of comercial grade, just don't lose time, brain, your sanity, just don't think twice, go to industrial grade, or in your case, automotive grade... perhaps military... It is better to have delivery and availability problems than "product" problems. Remember, your environmental chamber needs to simulate all the automotive functions, even vibration, bumps, humidity, temperature, "kids fingers, gum, candy melting on the back seat cup holder..." :). -------------------------------------------------------- Wagner Lipnharski - UST Research Inc. - Orlando, Florida Forum and microcontroller web site: Microcontrollers Survey: