Hi all, In Horowitz and Hill's "Art or Electronics", I see several illustrations of very clever little "linear" amplifier configurations using CMOS inverters,especially the 74HC04. I have an application (which DOES use a PIC,as a freq. counter) where I need to take in a 100mV or so signal from about 100Hz or so up to 50MHz and convert it into a 0-5V square wave. There is a circuit in H&H which is similar to this and I have been using it as a guide,but I am having problems. The basis of the circuit is simply two inverters,the output of one connected to the input of the other. The first inverter also has a 1Meg ohm feedback resistor across it,and the second one doesn't. All other inverters on the chip have their inputs tied high or low. The behavior I'm seeing is incessant oscillation. Sometimes, I'm able to get the input to overpower the oscillation and I get a correct output. However,more often than not,all I get is a 75MHz or so signal out of the circuit. Even if I connect the input directly to GND using a 0.1uF cap,I still get an output signal which is quite strong,but at a lower frequency. Yes,I am breadboarding this,and that may be part of the problem,but I have taken special care since this is such a high-bandwidth circuit. I have a bypass cap (O.1uF) directly from Vss to Vdd,and the actual Vss and Vdd pins are connected directly to the power supply. I also tried connecting a potentiometer to the circuit thru a 100k ohm resistor which would seem,theorically to give an amplifier with a gain of -10. However,what I'm actually seeing is this: if the pot is adjusted away from 2.5V, I see the correct behavior (the output is DC near one of the rails). If I adjust it within a couple of 100mV of 2.5V, I get an oscillation on the output,centered roughly around the expected DC output value. It almost seems to me that the inverter is acting as if it has a small amount of hysteresis or that I am exceeding its phase margin due to parasitic (or added in the test case of the 0.1uF cap above) capacitance. I don't see how this is avoidable. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to get this to work? Thanks very much, Sean | | Sean Breheny | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | Electrical Engineering Student \--------------=---------------- Save lives, please look at http://www.all.org Personal page: http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/shb7 mailto:shb7@cornell.edu ICQ #: 3329174