Jim wrote: You are right in your assumption that the config word is programmed when the rest of the EPROM is programmed with a normal pic programmer. The default config word is for external clock, microprocessor mode and WDT with minimum timeout period. For your app, the only config bits you need to program are the WDT bits (Write to FE02, FE03) Given that you are not programming any of the main eprom it is a pity if you cannot handle the WDT in software as this would eliminate the need to program the part at all. Thanks Jim - Bob's answer got to me about 3 emails before yours. Both contained valuable but different info. I thought that the microprocessor mode used external program memory space and the microcontroller used internal memory space. I want to use the internal program memory space. I plan on using the WD in the future - I was not planning on using it initially to simplify my first few passes at the code. Thanks again, David V. Fansler Network Administrator AutoCyte, Inc. 336-222-9707 Ext. 261 dfansler@autocyte.com Now Showing! www.mindspring.com\~dfansler\