>So the scope's ground is hooked into 120V. I'm fine with that, I know it >and don't touch the scope. Along comes my boss, Mr. Miserly "Fingerpoken >und fiddlefarten" Pinchpenny, and sets his elbow squarely on the case of the >scope and his other hand on a nice grounded equipment casing. KaZAAP! Use that isolation transformer to power the device under test, not the scope. >circuits like the Analog Devices AD524. I can imagine a nice high impedance >circuit with a differential input that can float from real earth ground, but >I can't see how it can really isolate. It can only handle 36 volts on an >input pin. So use something that can. Burr Brown has an entire chapter of their databook devoted to isolation products. Optical, capacitive, digital (ADC-DAC), and transformer coupled. ISO100 looks good, if you can live with the bandwidth (60 kHz). Some of their devices even have an isolated power supply. >Anybody got any better ideas? I know that there are some complete solutions in the Tektronix catalog, but they're not likely to be cheap enough. newell