In a message dated 3/9/99 1:59:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, mwillis@NWLINK.COM writes: << MIT owns the hardware/software used to run this list - They can shut down the PICList in a minute, if they don't like what we do with it. I seriously doubt MIT wishes to be dragged into any possible lawsuit, bad media publicity, etc. from a few on this list discussing Pirated Software. Would it improve that same poor students' situation, if this list was closed by MIT due to users abusing the list? Anyone own a spare T1 line we can move the list to when it's closed down, and have the $$$ it takes to buy list server software? Let's just NOT go there! >> AFAIK you can't be sued for discussing a topic. MIT is in the US and covered by laws concerning free speech. If we were using the list to transmit binaries of comercial software they would have genuine grounds for action, but to shut it down because we discuss the morality of this issue would be absurd. This topic IS relevant to the scope of this list. Most, if not all of us, use some form of CAD to perform our daily work/hobby. As a software engineer I tend to lean towards the developers point of view. Most of these companies, however, have made versions of their comercial software available very cheap or free for the asking. As somone who has just gone through the painfull task of finding quality CAD software, I would't even consider a package that didn't offer a way of road testing before buying. Dave Duley