OK, there seems to be a big controversy on this mailing list about using pirated Electronics CAD software. Lets put things into perspective. Many of us on this list are hobbyists and or students. We cannot afford to spend the $1000-$10,000 costs of some of these CAD packages. We would not by the software anyway, we simply cannot afford it. So who are we stealing food from? There are limitations that we have by not having a registered licence. For one thing, we are not entitled to technical support from the software maker. The bottom line is this. As long as no one is profiting from any design made with any of these "cracked" CAD packages, I don't have a problem with it. In fact it benefits the Electronics CAD companies. If I use a cracked version of Orcad for a student project or for a hobbyist project, I may get used to working with it. I then may choose ORCAD when I work in industry or create a electronics related business, in where using pirated software becomes an unnecessary risk. In fact Protel saw this years ago and made EASYTRAX available for free. Its not a matter or right or wrong. Its putting everything into logical perspective rather than self righteous morality. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com