Folks, if we're going to have a PICList on an ongoing basis, we cannot have people popping up throwing how to get cracks on the list. I get too much value off this list to want it closed down... And I want to ask; Is it really smart to do something that: * at least technically could be a FELONY, when for $49 you can register the program? * could be running a trojan on your CAD machine? (Who are you going to complain to, if it's a Trojan that formats c:? The manufacturer?) * puts you at the mercy of umpteen members of this list, any one of whom might copy your post to CadSoft, who could then seriously get on your case? I suspect in future posting cracks to the whole list may be grounds for nukage, I'll talk with Jory about it. At the least, it's a 100 Quatloo penalty, for now, I suspect! Mark