protel be concerned about a crack? hehe no way. they make all their money from people who would buy it anyway. in fact Im sure they like having it cracked.... the only people who will use the crack are people who would have never bought it in the first place like maybe a college student for example... I have cracked software, I am in college, there is no way im going to be able to pay 1000 dollars for software, and even if I had 1000 dollars I wouldn't spend it on software. However when I graduate and become an electrical engineer and then go to work for a company, I will actually need (and have the funds) to buy some schematic software.... now which one would I choose... The one that I have been useing for years and am comfortable with... and now protel sells one more license. here is another unrelated funny thing, Playstation MOD chips.... I have a friend that works for Sony, would you believe that Sony likes MOD chips... they boosted playstation sales.... Its the playstation software companies that hate them.. >It's funny, but I found a crack for Protel98 software which costs 1000's >of dollars to buy, so I reported it to Protel and thier response was 'no >big deal'. I thought they would be more concerned. > >-- >Best regards > >Tony > >PicNPoke - Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. > > >Email >