I marked this as off-topic (just to be safe) even though this is for a 16F84 PIC project and since you guys know everything ;-) I just have to ask... I am trying to do PCB layout of a small 2 layer, through-hole, 3"x4" board. I've followed the previous discussions about the crystal/caps related to the PIC as well as the suggestion concerning a separate ground "protect" loop around those components. But several other questions arise as I try to do this. I've seen examples of all of my questions in use so I'm not sure which (if any) way is best. I know the answers are very dependant on the circumstances, but just general suggestions (if possible) would be useful. 1) Is it good to put both power and ground on the same layer, or better to put ground on the bottom layer and power on top? 1A) If on different layers, is it best to place them directly over each other for effectively added capacitance or keep them apart. 1B) If on the same layer, run close together (for capacitance reasons) or keep apart? 2) Is it good to surround the entire bottom layer with a ground trace (creating a loop of sorts) or is it better to not complete the circle? 3) Is it a good idea to fill in all blank areas (especially on the bottom/ground side) with a ground fill? If so, is it best to be solid or a hatch pattern of some sort? 4) For general signal runs, is it better to keep traces short by using VIAs or complete the routing with longer traces when possible? 5) Again for general signal runs, is wider better, I'm using .020" for most runs but if I can fit a wider trace, should I use it? Thanks! --rob--