If the regulators are more than a couple of inches from the power supply capacitors, there is a recommendation that you place a 1uF Tant. capacitor on the input and output of the regulator. These regulators will occasionally break into a high frequency oscillation that can give some rather screwy voltages. This may not be your problem - but it will not hurt to try. David V. Fansler Network Administrator AutoCyte, Inc. 336-222-9707 Ext. 261 dfansler@autocyte.com Now Showing! www.mindspring.com\~dfansler\ -----Original Message----- From: Dave Johnson [mailto:djohnson@SIRIUS.COM] Sent: Saturday, February 27, 1999 3:32 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [OT]Linear V-Reg Weirdness I just built a power supply that provides +6V, +5V, +3V, and -6V, using several linear regulators, 2 of which are 7806 and 7906 (for the +6 and -6). Sometimes it's fine, but sometimes when I turn it on the +6 supply doesn't appear, and hovers around -0.8V instead. I vaguely remember reading about this problem somewhere in the dim and distant past, but I can't for the life of me remember the trick to fix it. I tried putting asymmetric loads on the outputs, but that doesn't seem to do it. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Dave Johnson