Use a PIC, it can count up to 50MHz by itself. -----Original Message----- From: Wagner Lipnharski To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 1:50 AM Subject: MultiStage Counter with Shift Out >Hi, there is a friend that needs a special circuit to attach >to a PIC, but I can't find a single chip solution for him. > >He needs a 2^8 bits counter, 8 stages, easy solution, >but it needs to have a serial output, not parallel, so >he could read the actual counter 8 bits using a 2 wire >serial transfer. > >He can not use a microcontroller to count it because the >signal high frequency involved, around 15MHz. > >In real this chip could be so dump and silly, with just >8 jk flipflops, a 8 bits shift register, and a couple >of gates, it could be built with only 6 pins: >Ground, Vcc, Pulses In, Reset, SDA + SCLK (2 wire comm). >A 7th pin could control counting in BCD or Binary, and >just to be snob, the 8th pin would be a bold "NC", or >then, used to signal zero count (carry bit). > >A solution like that could use 8, 12, 16, 24 flipflops, >so a high speed counting could be easily read by a PIC >simply issuing RESET up/down, wait time for counting, >reset up to hold count and enable serial transfer, >and them issuing SCLKs to receive SDA data bits, then >reset down to clear counter and repeat again. > >Does anybody knows anything like that available? It is >incredible that I can't find anything so silly like that. > >-------------------------------------------------------- >Wagner Lipnharski - UST Research Inc. - Orlando, Florida >Forum and microcontroller web site: http:/ >Microcontrollers Survey: