Hi, there is a friend that needs a special circuit to attach to a PIC, but I can't find a single chip solution for him. He needs a 2^8 bits counter, 8 stages, easy solution, but it needs to have a serial output, not parallel, so he could read the actual counter 8 bits using a 2 wire serial transfer. He can not use a microcontroller to count it because the signal high frequency involved, around 15MHz. In real this chip could be so dump and silly, with just 8 jk flipflops, a 8 bits shift register, and a couple of gates, it could be built with only 6 pins: Ground, Vcc, Pulses In, Reset, SDA + SCLK (2 wire comm). A 7th pin could control counting in BCD or Binary, and just to be snob, the 8th pin would be a bold "NC", or then, used to signal zero count (carry bit). A solution like that could use 8, 12, 16, 24 flipflops, so a high speed counting could be easily read by a PIC simply issuing RESET up/down, wait time for counting, reset up to hold count and enable serial transfer, and them issuing SCLKs to receive SDA data bits, then reset down to clear counter and repeat again. Does anybody knows anything like that available? It is incredible that I can't find anything so silly like that. -------------------------------------------------------- Wagner Lipnharski - UST Research Inc. - Orlando, Florida Forum and microcontroller web site: http:/www.ustr.net Microcontrollers Survey: http://www.ustr.net/tellme.htm