Mike DeMetz wrote: > > If you were running WIN9x/NT I would recommend IrfanView. Free, 800K > single file, reads most any picture(and sound) format. Does cropping and > conversions, also batch. Might pass me more info on that off-list. I carry this DOS PC110 around with me, everywhere I go, so I like to stay at the "least common denominator" stage - I can dump pictures off her camera onto a large Flash or a CF card and store them until later, using hardly any battery power, then process the pictures at home where I have the Win95 P166 box, easily enough. I just wish everything wasn't always headed so totally incompatible with each other! Anyone else on this list, REALLY tired of re-designing the wheel, learning new tools that don't do what you had going just right with your previous tools, and paying for the privilidge of feeling goofed up, just mumble under your breath like I do Works for me Mark