I have a minor problem ! I am using the power supply transformer on a circuit which dosent have a constant load to measure the mains supply voltage on a '73. Problem, transformer is only 6 VA load regulation is less than brillant consequently measurements are not consistant depandant on the state of the load. I can provide an external voltage ref (TL431) and if a current sensing resistor is placed in the -ve supply after the DC cap a current value can be sensed if the TL431 ref is taken to the supply side then a load proportinal voltage ref can be generated for the A-D I need to measure a 3% supply window in the renge 207 to 277 v AC and a load current varation of 100mA to 500mA at 12v this provides about a 12% secondary voltage varation which needs corecting before measurements are taken. Any body had this problem before ?.... Got a better idea ?........ Cheers Steve.......