|That's great for you lucky people that can READ these ASCII jibberish files! |My new mail program scrambles them into an unreadable mess. I used to have |the option of viewing them in a monospaced font. Not any more! Thanks to |Bill Gates and WIN 95 that option is gone. |Not to mention I could never draw them either. The Two ends of the "bow" in |your "ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN" come out of the top of the "II" on my screen, |and there's nothing I can do about it! I HATE ascii schematics. Put the blame where blame is due. Monospaced text with a line limit of slightly under 80 characters [to allow for quoting] is a standard that's been around for aeons. Rather than blaming the people who use the standard to its fullest, why not blame Mr. Gates and his company can't even produce an RFC-compliant E-mail client?