I bought 5 and am happy with them. The have a standard Hitachi 44780 controller. The 22-pin connector is a little funny, but they supply the pinouts. The part only has data bits 4 through 7, so you are limited to four bit mode. The contrast is OK with pin 16 at 0 V, but I can't seem to increase it. I think I may need a negative suppy. Kevin At 11:18 AM 2/23/99 -0600, you wrote: >MPJ has some 16x2 lcd displays, Picview PC066PGL, on sale cheap. Would >these be OK for playing around with as learning tools for a 16f84? > >Harley L. Miller hmiller@sound.net > Kevin Cantrell Oregon State University Department of Chemistry 153 Gilbert Hall Corvallis, Oregon 97331-4003 USA Voice: (541) 737-4528 FAX : (541) 737-2062