Hi to all engineers. a few days ago I posted a question about unknown interrupt cause and I did not get any answer or recommendation. I am not sure what that means. now I am answering my own question. ;----------------------------------------------------- using picmaster 16J probe if your interrupt starts during BCF or BSF you will get unknown interrupt. will make you nuts. ;---------------------------------------------------------- solution : this is a BUG in picmaster probe 16J disable global interrupt and re enable will work fine if you still like to use emulator otherwise the pic will work fine with out disabling and enabling global interrupt. thanks Andre you welcome below was my original question: I am having serious unknown interrupt cause that happens intermittently about every 3-5 minuets. I am using 16c62a TMR0 overflow, timer1 overflow, CCP1 interrupts. all other interrupts are disabled. this problem happens when it is running. I suspect on my code but I do know where the problem is. I even added other flags to determine witch interrupt is causing it no changes at all. I talked to microchip engineer about this problem they said that picmaster J16 uses pic16c74a since 74a porta is analog and default is set to "all analog enabled" the recommendation was to make porta digital on 62a when I am using picmaster. since 62a doesn't have analog input when I do that mplab gives me a warning about that. now I am not sure if picmaster is causing this problem or not it is confusing me now. any help will highly appreciated. Andre