Hi Oliver, I have a NOPPP built out of the bench scrap box. Works fine for 16x84 chips. I use mine with my notebook at the cottage and can leave the Picstart+ at home. I use MPLAB with mine but as long as your compiler produces the hex file output you can just load it into the NOPPP shareware and it will program your chip! Wil Reeder teachtech@bc.sympatico.ca Vancouver,Canada 0x33 solar,wind,tide, TEG renewable energy ---------- From: GTE To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: NOPPP question Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 10:06 PM Has anyone used or heard anything about the NOPPP(no parts pick programmer) that was featured in an article in Electronics Now a while back? I want to use it for creating LCD display driver and other simple pic modules to be used with stamps and other pics. I plan on using this with the MEL basic compiler. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanx