Dear OnLine User. You are one of the smart people, you want to make money and fast. You want to ha ve more time for your family and hobbies. We are very honored to introduce you to our successful business. In the start of 1998, our company developed a great business opportunity. We call it MoneyMaker telephone line system and it is accessible WORLDWIDE. IT HAS BEEN A GREAT SUCCE SS ALREADY SO DON'T MISS OUT. Now you can earn a living without much effort. You will have more free time, mor e time for your family or to work on your golf game. It has never been this easy to earn MORE MONEY. ******************************************************************************** If you are NOT interested in our offer, you simply reply to this message with "R EMOVE" in the subject line! ******************************************************************************** However, If you have few more seconds, we ask you to read this offer. ADVERTISE OUR PHONE NUMBER WITH YOUR CODE, and the money comes flowing to you. If you do it exactly as advised, you will make big money - guaranteed! Follow t he procedure from top to bottom: 1. For USA citizens Call 011 56 900 2070. For the rest of the world please Call 00 56 900 2070. 2. You can sign up - free of charge and you will only need this 10-digit code nu mber: 1199228844. Your local telephone provider will only charge you for your in ternational call. And you are getting ready to earn money. 3. Then you will receive from the "phone computer" your own 10-digit code numbe r. Make sure you advertise it as much as possible. Tell your friends about it, p arents, partners, advertise it on Internet classified ads area (use only "busine ss, money or financial" topics)! If they allow you, make your own free web page and advertise it. One step closer to your dream house. The more people you recruit into the system, the more minutes they will generate and the bigger your income will be. It is very advisable to put some ads also into printed media (small ad papers - nationwide or local) - it won't cost you very much! And you can do it from your own home 4. You will be able to check your earnings 24 hours a day (for this, phone compu ter will give you your "personal" 6 digit code number)! 5. Put into the ads the two telephone numbers (mentioned above) and your own 10 digit code number. You will receive the commission from all the callers who wil l sign into the system. (For payout details choose the information in the main m enu). 6. This is it! - ENJOY RECEIVING YOUR PAY CHECKS EVERY MONTH