Lloyd Verhage wrote: > That's got to be what I have wrong. The schematic makes it look like > a simple two lead crystal. I'll see if I can find an oscillator that > will work. Hey, steady on! If it connects to two pins on the PIC, it *is* a standard crystal and *needs* loading caps. Using a "TTL Oscillator" module like most PC motherboards nowadays is an easier option for 20MHz and up and on this basis, they have become quite common (20MHz is a likely value for a disk controller IIRC - may be salvageable from a junk card) but consumes more current, if that is a consideration. If you *did* find one and use it, it is a 3-terminal device, you have to identify Gnd, +5V and output which goes to OSC1 pin on the PIC, OSC2 then beinng left open, *no* loading caps and no other alteration necessary. Again, the most important point - *listen* to it on your receiver, (short antenna wire next to workbench) as it is presently and for whatever change you make. You'll definitely find out what's happening. -- Cheers, Paul B.