Hi... I was working on a sort of sequencer based on a 16c5x unit... (Intentionally underimplimenting an RTOS in order to learn the limits of its design) and I came to the point where I want to impliment a jump table, only to find, that I don't really know how to impliment it on this architecture... I can figure out how to get the vectors back, but variable gotos confuse me. What I want to do, is index the jump table, and get a jump value, that I can then use to "goto to". It doesn't seem that indirect and fsra are the right approach, and I am not certain that I want to try ADDING W to the PCR register, but I am also not sure I have a choice... Considering that somewhere on this list there are people that are working at three layers of indirection, it seems that it must be possible... How Is it usually Done? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? or is this one of the unwritten tricks to learning PIC programming? GREY GRAEME SMITH email: grysmith@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca YMCA Edmonton Address has changed with little warning! (I moved across the hall! :) ) Email will remain constant... at least for now.