I'm trying to use a PIC 16C65JW/20 to control some devices on an IEEE488 bus using an NEC upd7210 semi-intelligent controller. I'm trying to write to the device to set-up internal registers and get it to initialise the bus using an IFC uniline command followed by REN to test the bus, etc. Thing is, nothing is happening and I'm not entirely sure if my CS and WR timings are right - I set-up RS0-RS2 prior to CS, wait 50us, enable WR, wait 50us, change the data on D0-D7, wait 50us, disable WR, then disable CS (after 50us). If there's anyone who's had experience of this before, could you please let me know if htis is right, as the timing diagrams aren't particularly explicit. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!! Rob Ford Home : rob.ford@virgin.net Work : rford@ti.tuvps.co.uk