Will - How'd you like a 16-bit cpu with single cycle hardware multiplier that runs 1 uS instructions at about 1 mA and can power down to <1uA? It will run 250uS instructions at several mA and can switch speeds on the fly. If so, take a look at TI's MSP420 family. I don't know what kind of functionality your diving computer has to have, but my (air only) diving computer runs about 3 years on a single lithium 1/2AA cell. It wouldn't run that long powered up all the time, but I'd guess it can run for a couple of months. It doesn't seem like tri-mix calculations should be hugely more complex than air or Nitrox. Incedentally, if you use an offgassing rechargable, and put it in a sealed case, isn't the case going to explode when you charge it? I'm interested in your project both as an engineer and as a diver. Feel free to e-mail me off-line if you want to bounce some ideas around, or just keep me posted. Good luck. Don