AFAIK, and I may be wrong, the 17X PIC instructions are a superset of the 16x PIC instructions. If so, could you use a 16X version C in the interim - this will give you access to 17X hardware features but not the more "efficient" (more CISC) instruction set? Russell McMahon -----Original Message----- From: Eric Oliver To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, February 05, 1999 12:07 PM Subject: Re: To C or not to C for PICmicro >Can't afford the hi-tech compiler . In fact, I'm having a hard time >finding a compiler for the PIC17. I emailed CCS and they replied that they >would be adding support for the PIC17 "real soon". I'm not sure _when_ that >translates to. I have sent them another email to try to get a little more >definite time frame. > >Thanks >Eric