>I'm working on a PIC application that is meant to be exposed >to fairly high ambient pressures - something on the lines >of up to 250 PSI (it's for undersea use - a deep diving decompression >computer for diving with Helium). This means that I can either use >a 1 ATA pressure housing, or pot the whole works to make it pressure >proof, and thus use a much flimsier housing by eliminating compressible >spaces. > >Since this is a battery-powered device, with a total draw approaching >30mA (due to the need for some heavily compute-intensive code, and >thus a high clock speed), I am either going to use disposable batteries, >or rechargeables. I would like to use rechargeables, but most of >the batteries I'm familiar with (lead acid, NiCad, NiMh) off-gas >too much during charging to reliably pot, which means I'm stuck with a bulky >(and expensive) 1 ATA housing. > >Anybody know of a rechargeable technology that does not off-gas >appreiably during charging, or something else that might work? > >-Will Most batteries will implode at those pressures.. I guess you are really stuck with the 1 ATA housing.