Hello all, I have a circuit (it contains a pic) which has a couple of rather large aluminum electrolytic capacitors (2200uF) as supply filters. the problem is that when the circuit is turned off, the charge takes a little while to dissipate (i have a power on led in series with a 1K resistor across the supply lines) and while its dissipating, the pic among other things is still funtioning. I am worred that the pic might end up in one of my routines which, for example writes to an I2C EEPROM, and corrupt the data there. so what i need is a way to disipate the capacitor reletively quickly after power down. I was thinking of putting a diode in paralel in the wrong direction (anode to gnd, cathode to vcc) but i dont think this will work, since the charge in the capacitor is polarized. I hope someone has an idea.. thanks agian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A member of the PI-100 Club: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679