Hi all, I got a few replies about just using resistors to scale the voltage with a 3 X 4 keypad. The reason for the 317 is that I can get a reasonably linear relationship between resistance and voltage. If you use resistors the change becomes logarithmic and the voltage difference becomes tight at one end of the scale. It's quite a tall order selecting appropriate resistors. I tried to implement the idea with a single digital IO pin, but I'm not sure it can be accomplished. The pin would need to monitor for a keypress to start a conversion (capacitor charge) and then detect the switching threshold. It could probably be done with 2 pins, but it may be a waste of time considering there can be 100's of ohms variation in the keypad due to manufacture and finger pressure on the keys. Interesting problem though. -- Best regards Tony Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. ** NEW PicNPro Programmer and Port Interface ** http://www.picnpoke.com Email picnpoke@cdi.com.au