Can't afford the hi-tech compiler . In fact, I'm having a hard time finding a compiler for the PIC17. I emailed CCS and they replied that they would be adding support for the PIC17 "real soon". I'm not sure _when_ that translates to. I have sent them another email to try to get a little more definite time frame. Thanks Eric -----Original Message----- From: Gerhard Fiedler [SMTP:lists@HOME.COM] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 2:46 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: To C or not to C for PICmicro At 08:37 02/04/99 +0530, Ravi Pailoor wrote: >MPLABC compiles only upto 4 K of object code. > >Pailoor > >Gerhard Fiedler wrote: > >> without any comments specific to your project, i would definitely use >> c, i was talking about a "real" c compiler :-) (btw, i use the hi-tech compiler.) ge