I hope someone can help me out with this. Simple questions, really. The first is software related. I am trying to use the EEPROM on a PIC12CE518. The Data Sheet tells me to include "eeprom.inc", or link in "eeprom.asm", and call some subroutines. The problem is, i can't find these files anywhere. I just got the upgrade for my Picstart programmer, which includes the latest version on MPLAB. I tried a search on Microchip's website, but couldn't find anything except the software I already have. So, anyone know where these files can be found? Second question is, how much ripple voltage can the 12CE5xx series tolerate? I am using a low-pass filter before Vdd, but have not measured the actual value yet. The supply voltage before the filter has a ripple of around 84mV, at 120Hz. Any comments appreciated.