Current Duracell Spec sheet for their MN1604 9V battery normal "Alkaline" chemistry i.e. Zinc / Alkaline / Manganese Dioxide "565 mA.h with 510 ohm [load] to 4.9 V [ending termnal voltage] at 70 F (21C)." Note that this is the constant resistance load case, where current tails off as battery voltage drops. The constant current case, since it would be lower resistance near end-of-life, would likely yield less A.h. Also note the temperature caveat. For really cold (less than 0 F) outdoor stuff, the capacity and especially the drain rate is much reduced. Lithiums (such as UltraLife) have much better low temp performance. Hope this helps. ------------ Barry King Engineering Manager NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" Hinesburg, Vermont, USA "The witty saying has been deleted due to limited EPROM space"