I have a design that uses 3 74HT165 too, all clocked with the same data line. I am using a PIC16C57. The board is approx. 3x4 In. I never have any trouble with the design, even when it was on the breadboard. I did try to keep the signals lines as shord as possible. On the bread board the total length of the clock line was about 9 inches. Still no trouble. The PIC is running at 4 Mhz. I did add a small delay after changing the clock state and reading the data. About 1 ms it think. That delay is probebly the reasi I didnt have any trouble. The delay works great because I done need a really fast transfer rate. Or I'm really lucky.. :) Alan Nickerson -----Original Message----- From: Vincent Deno To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 11:21 PM Subject: Re: Problem with 74HC165 shift registers >I am currently in the process of implementing a design which will be using >four 74HC165s daisy-chained, all on the same clock line. Unlike your >design, all 4 will be on the same board which is approximately 2"x7". > >Unfortunately, there is little/no room for additional chips so "playing it >safe" and using your fix is really not an option. I was wonderng if it is >likely I will run into a similar problem or must I rethink the design? > >Thanks, >Vince Deno >