Matthew Ballinger wrote: > Once again I'll post this. Not necessarily a good idea considering your following sentence! Repeat postings are dimly viewed by many. > I keep getting back PICLIST postings saying that this or something > like it has already been posted OK, it's telling you it *was* posted! We've all seen it. And if you read the list, you will note reports of the present "echo" problem. > and to add a sentence or 2 to change the content. Perhaps it shouldn't say that! Oh dear! You have to be careful what you write in "help" messsages. Unless, of course, you happen to work for M$. > I don't think so but, have I already posted this? You don't think so? You are re-sending it but don't remember sending it before? You bet you have. At least once. Can't say - I deleted them all. > I once had my steering wheel mounted cruise control switches fed to ... > I figured I ask if anyone happens to know a bit about it. It appears no-one does, thus the stony silence. There is no-one on the list (obviously) to tell you "No, no-one has an answer for you". Don't entirely give up hope for two reasons - firstly, some people read the list quite infrequently but may have information. Secondly, some may have information which they have to dig out - may take a while. I sometimes reply to a message weeks later FWIW. However I have *no* ideas about Sony steering wheels. -- Cheers, Paul B.