(List members: Sorry but it's been too frequent lately, maybe if I go list-wide here it'll hold them off for long enough for me to get the Mini-FAQ polished up. Grumble ) HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE There is ONLY one way that works to get off the list. DO NOT post to the list. A post to the list goes to all subscribers, gets everyone angry with you; And, you don't get off the list that way! Do NOT post to me requesting an unsubscribe. I CANNOT unsubscribe you. I will simply delete your request, perhaps after sending you a copy of this Mini-FAQ. YOU and only you can unsubscribe yourself. Post to: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (i.e. mailto:LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU) from the address at which you are subscribed containing nothing but unsubscribe PICList in the first line of the message, from the address at which you are subscribed. This is automatically executed. The message must contain the exact words "unsubscribe PICList", no other spelling works. AND, ***you must have HTML turned OFF***, or the list server will NOT understand what you're saying. If you are trying to unsubscribe from an address different from the one you subscribed from, you must include that original address like this: on the first line of the message: unsubscribe PICList Good luck! Mark Willis, mwillis@nwlink.com