Oh No !!!! (they all said). It's obvious from the amount of discussion on the "getting on" topic that some PICListers don't have enough to do in life :-). You will have to judge for yourselves whether I fall into that category :-). (I swear I have no spare time at all but ... ) Here is a rough analysis of the ages of PICLISTers based on the responses posted. There may be a few duplicates due to the occasional receipt of duplicate entries and other slips-twixt-cup-and-lip. I have eliminated these where they were noticed. All results are base 10 (decimal) unless otherwise stated. Responses were received in base 2 many 3 (ternary) 1 5 (lustrum) 1 8 (octal) 1 10 13 (hitchhikers guide base) Used by the recipient of the Arthur Dent award :-) 16 many Sample Size 59 Youngest 16 (Glenn Jones) Oldest 71 (Bill Colville) Mean 38 years Median 36 1st,3rd quartiles 28, 48 Mode 35 years (closely followed by 48 years) I thought about windowing with a raised cosine but got tired about here. If I had done so the peak at 48/49 years would probably have been the major peak. Raw data: 1 of each sample unless followed by /x where x = number of samples. 16, 18.2, 19/2, 22/2, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28/4, 29, 30, 32/2, 33, 34/3, 35/6, 36, 37, 39/4, 40/2, 42/3, 44, 45, 47, 48/5, 49/4, 50, 52, 58, 61, 62, 63, 71 If this was a gallup (etc) pole the margin of error for any questions asked would be around 13% so the sample is small enough to be only a rough guide. Calculation of the standard deviation is left as an exercise for the student (this must mean you, Glenn :-)). regards Russell McMahon