An ALKALINE 9v "transistor" battery (PP3 etc) has a capacity of around 500 mAH. : Here are a few TYPICAL capacities for modernish batteries. All these are in milliamp hours. Alkaline AA 500 NiCd AA 500 Those don't corrolate. A typical 9V alkaline battery contains 6 AAAA cells, so would of necessity have a much lower mAH rating than an AA. Also, a NiCd usually has significantly less energy than an alkaline (although a higher current capability) (as with the C/D cell numbers.) I therefore think that the quoted Alkaline AA capacity is incorrect. NiCd C 1800 NiCd D 4000 Another thing to watch out for is that many of the "consumer" D cells are actually C cells in a bigger package (keeps prices lower.) IIRC, the duracell web site includes a fair amount of technical information, including the discharge curves for their common batteries. BillW